Secrets of Excellent Leadership – Live
Secrets of Excellent Leadership Live بنر
المدرب: Dr. Tareq Al-Suwaidan
التاريخ: 17 - 14 ,October
التوقيت: (pm 5:00 - 9:00(KSA time
لغة البرنامج: English
التكلفة: 720$ (Including material, certificate of attendance & exercises) ( Special Discount 590$ Untill 9th of Oct. )
المكان : And recorded for later viewing ) Live)

This course offers a deep dive into the fundamentals of leadership, exploring key concepts, traits, and theories while distinguishing between leadership and management. It also covers nurturing environments, leadership development, and essential resources, culminating in practical exercises to enhance your leadership skills.



1-   Understanding Leadership

  •   Definitionof Leadership
  •   4components of Leadership
  •   Leadership Theories
  •   Are there born leaders?
  •   The difference between a leader and a manager
  •   Donot link leadership with
  •   Leadership Traits
  •   Leadership Laws


2-   Statistics

  •    Statistics
  •    Leadership Today


3-   Leadership Model

  •    Talent Management
  •    Leadership Signs (DiscoveringLeaders)
  •    Leadership Upbringing
  •    Leadership Roles (LeadershipTraining)


4-   Nurturing Environment

  •    Ethics
  •    Balance
  •    Sponsorship
  •    Flexibility
  •    Freedom
  •    Curiosity


5-  Leadership Resoursces

  •    Institutions
  •    Books
  •    Magazines
  •    Scholars
  •    Universities


Training Excercises

  1.    Leadership and Management Definitions
  2.    Leadership Theories
  3.    Management Vs. Leadership
  4.    Leadership Qualities
  5.    Leadership Laws
  6.    Signs of Talented Individuals
  7.    Leadership Signs
  8.    Exceptional Leader
  9.    Leader’s Qualities
  10.    Leadership Skills
  11.    Organize your life
  12.    Situational Leadership
  13.    Analyzing Personalities
  14.    Your Balanced Life
  15.    The Model Leader