Advanced Leadership Skills -Istanbul
Advanced Leadership Skills
المدرب: Dr. Tareq Al-Suwaidan
التاريخ: July 29th to August 2nd 2024
التوقيت: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
لغة البرنامج: English
التكلفة: Option 1 1,650$ /Option 2 2,400$
المكان : Istanbul



I- your Life Plan

Are you in the right career –

Your balanced life –

Setting your long-term goals –

Your medium- and short-term goals –

Do you need a PhD –

II- Improve your organization

Improve your core idea –

The four pillars of any organization –

The five pillars of competition –

The two stones of your infrastructure –

III. Mastering Change

What is organizational change –

20 questions to understand long-term change –

10 questions to understand short-term change –

The major equation of change –

IV- Leadership in a nutshell

Difference between management and leadership –

Don’t link leadership to 5 characteristics –

Five principles to move from being ordinary to becoming effective –

Eight areas of leadership training –

Five qualities of a nurturing leadership environment –

V- Decision making

Major principles of decision-making –

Six steps to decision making –

Nine films to test your decision-making –

Methods of decision-making (Minimax, Maximax, Bayes, Butterfly, Matrix, etc.) –


Download Brochure: from here


Cost and registration

Option 1


USD per person (excludes

: Package includes
5 days of world-class leadership training –
Daily buffet lunch –
2x daily coffee/refreshment breaks-
All course notes –
Scheduled one-on-one time with Dr Tarek Al-Suwaidan –

Option 2


USD per person
(excludes flights/transport)

: Package includes
All in option 1 –
5nights accommodation in a 5-star hotel, daily buffet breakfast and lunch –

Option 1


Option 2


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